“So Loved”

So Loved 2013 WM2This painting shows hearts coming out of the darkness, being changed and illuminated by the love of God.  You are So Loved!  His love for you never runs out.

The story behind the painting…

Starting another prophetic art class, I asked the Lord what I should paint.  I saw a heart in the middle of a canvas. I knew that the painting was for Heidi Heck.  My thought was, “Okay, I can do that.”  I got out of bed and turned on the radio… “Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never run out on me”  That was my confirmation that I was correct in the vision Poppa had given me.

It was Saturday morning and class started at 10 am.  I went to class and toned the canvas, not sure what I was doing, and painting in colors that were dark and dreary… to me.

The next class I finished toning and started writing “never, never, never” all over the canvas, adding “never fails, never gives up, never runs out,” in another dark, dreary color. It was looking quite dark and gloomy… to me.  Theresa was making her way around, checking how we were doing.  She stopped and commented that “never, never, never,” was very negative.  I then pointed out the “never fails, never gives up, never runs out,”

I completed the painting at the Sonrise Christian Center Women’s Retreat in March 2013.  Sometimes what we think we’re doing, changes.  I had seen a heart in the middle of the canvas.  I heard, “My heart cannot be all on the canvas.”  What I heard changed what I thought I was doing, to what I “knew” I was to do.  Always be ready for Poppa to speak or show you something..  He always has a better idea and His plans are much bigger and better than mine, every time!  I knew then, it had to be going off the canvas, because we can’t capture His heart.  I had felt Poppa’s presence before, but this time the anointing was so strong, that all I could do was move with Him, and cry.  I had a hard time seeing through the tears, but His presence was amazing.  It was a breakthrough for me, knowing that I was not alone and that He was painting with me!  I am So Loved.  The lesson I was learning through this… we struggle alone, trying to interpret something that is bigger than us, when He is waiting to join in and work with us.

I finished the painting at the retreat.  I put the bush down and just wept.  It was like nothing I painted before.  It had been over forty years since I had done any painting, but never like this.  It was all about Poppa.  All I did was show up and be obedient.  I actually came thinking I was going to paint at the back of the room.  Theresa told me if I wanted to paint, I would have to be in the front.  At one point, I was painting with my fingers.  I didn’t know that Theresa was on the other side, painting with her fingers, as well.

My lesson… Just show up expecting and see what God will do!




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